
L&D Team

Learning and Development teams play a crucial role in ensuring that employees are equipped with the right skills to perform their job effectively. However, identifying skill gaps and developing an appropriate learning plan can be challenging, especially for laterals.

PeopleBlox helps bridge this gap by providing a clear and granular view of each employee's skillset. With PB, Learning and Development teams can easily identify specific skill gaps at an extremely detailed level, and not just the broad ones. For example, instead of just saying that an employee needs to upskill in C++, PB will provide a more specific recommendation such as upskill in Object Oriented Programming within C++, with a focus on Constructors.


Promote effective and meaningful career paths – with compassion.

PB enables teams to create custom-made individual development and learning plans for each employee. This information can be used by the L&D teams to create a more effective learning calendar and to measure the ROI of the learning interventions. PB allows re-calibration of an employee's competency at periodic intervals, which helps in measuring the effectiveness of the L&D initiatives.

In conclusion, PeopleBlox is a valuable tool for the Learning and Development teams, providing them with the necessary information to create a comprehensive and personalized learning plan for each employee.